This is a good article on how a small purchase (provided you actually use it!) could make your writing career: How $1 Could Make You a Bestselling Author
I was very intrigued by this article in the Springfield Republican about a collaborative program between Simmons College and the Eric Carle Museum to offer an MFA/MA program in Children's Literature: Students 'Master" Writing for Children . You can find out more about the program at the Simmons College website: Simmons College/Eric Carle Program
I absolutely love libraries. They are second only to Churches as my favorite places, and I'd like to think that heaven has the most amazing library ever (where I hope to spend some quality time after I leave this world). Learn more here: National Library Week
If you are a writer, do you have to blog? Sarah Reinhard ponders that question (and offers some really could reasons why you should NOT blog) at To Blog or Not to Blog
I came across an ad for this program in a magazine today and it looks interesting. Unlike most writing programs, there is no residency requirement. Stanford's Online Creative Writing Certificate