Miles to Go and Foster Care

I recently enjoyed reading Miles to Go: The Second Journal of the Walk Series by Richard Paul Evans. It continues the story of Alan Christoffersen who is walking across the country after having lost everything. It is a quick read and a great story. I'm already looking forward to the next installment! What I liked best, though, is Richard Paul Evans' statement at the back of the book: "I write with the hope of improving the world." He included a character named Kailamai in the story based on a real life woman by the same name. He is hoping to help her and others like her who are aging out of the foster care system. "Research from the Pew Charitable Trusts shows that 6 out of 10 youth aging out of the foster care system will be homeless, incarcerated, or dead within the first two years. Most youth aging out of the foster care system lack the essential skills, resources, and support to live a safe and independent life." Go-Mentor is an organization working...