Finished the First Draft of a Screenplay for The Rose Ring

Soon after The Rose Ring was published, I began working on a screenplay for it. I've wanted to try writing a screenplay for a while and I think this story would make a great movie for Hallmark or Lifetime or the Inspiration Channel. I didn't have a whole lot of time to devote to it, but I worked on it here and there -writing mostly longhand in a composition book, changing things as needed, converting a written text to a visual medium, writing notes in my notebook like "do dialog from pages 154-155" where it didn't make any sense to rewrite the text. Tonight I finished typing it using the free software from Celtyx . What have I learned so far? Even though this was a relatively short book, the screenplay needs to be shorter. My rough draft is 131 pages. I need to cut 30 pages. Each page equals about 1 minute of screen time and the average movie is between 90 - 100 minutes. I have lots to work on and condense! I also learned that I think visually (I kind of al...