"The Charter Class" Prologue

Prologue August 14, 1921, Springfield, Massachusetts Mother John Berchmans Somers shifted the papers in her hands as she waited in the chancellery office. Going to see the bishop was a bit like being called to the principal’s office. Bishop Beaven had always been so kind to her and to the whole Sisters of Saint Joseph community, but the Good Lord saw fit to call him to his eternal reward. She offered a quick prayer for his soul as she thought of him. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. Yes, he had been a good man and a good superior. She could only hope to have as cordial a relationship with the recently installed Bishop Thomas O’Leary. She understood that it couldn’t be easy to lead an entire diocese. The Diocese of Springfield covered much territory and included many people of varying ethnicities who lived in both urban centers and the most rural of hilltowns. Yes, she knew what it was like to bear the weight of respons...