First Draft of New Novel Done!

It's apparently been almost two years since I posted to this blog! I started working on a new novel in November as part of National Novel Writing Month, knowing full well I wouldn't even come close to finishing it in November. This has been more of a commitment of writing a few minutes (probably 15-20) on most days. It's a tale of a group of young women who are part of the first class of a Catholic women's college. It's the first time I've written an ensemble novel like this and the fictional characters feel like they have become my friends. I've enjoyed the process, filling up nearly four journals along the way. I like writing longhand (even though I have notoriously bad handwriting). I can take the journal with me wherever I am and simply write. Alas, now the hard work begins. I have to type this up and edit. I am interested to see how many words I wrote! But anyway, this will take a while. I'll keep you posted. Hopefully it won't be anoth...