Work in Progress

I hadn't realized it had been so long since I've posted here. I've come across some good articles on writing, but I've mostly just posted links to them on Twitter. If you want to follow me there, please visit:!/AnneMFaye (I'm happy to follow back).

I've also returned to writing fiction, but due to time constraints, I'm not making the progress I would like. Since finishing up the non-fiction book I was under contract for, I've tried to move sleep a little higher up on the list of priorities, which means cutting out time for other things. I get the chance to work on my story in my head during the day while I'm engaged in other activities, but not having time to get things out on paper is frustrating. When I do have the time, I can't necessarily remember what I thought about and because I'm not writing regularly, I have to face my own fear when I do. It makes it seem like a bigger deal than it is. When I write every day, it is just something I do, and the words flow easily. When it happens maybe once a week, it is an event, and there is much more pressure attached to it and the words get stuck.

Well, it is still good to be back writing - however slow the process. It will get done if/when it should. And if it doesn't, the world will go on.


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