Script House Screenplay Contest and Coverage

A couple months ago, I entered my screenplay of The Rose Ring into the Script House Screenplay Contest. One of the unique features of this contest is that it provides you with coverage - basically a critique of your screenplay for a mere $2 extra. For the most part, I view entering contests as flushing money down the toilet, but at least this one had something to offer. I've seen lots of other coverage services out there that charge a great deal more. I had no idea what to expect or even if they would actually do what they said that they would, but today I received an email with that coverage! They provided an overall score, synopsis and critique.

Overall, I was pleased. They scored my script with the following:

Story: 7 / 10
Concept / Premise: 8 / 10
Structure: 6 / 10
Character / Character Development: 8 / 10
 Dialogue: 8 / 10
Grammar and Spelling: 6 / 10
Originality: 7 / 10
Average Score: 7.14 / 10

For my first screenplay ever, that isn't too bad. I just went back on the website and realized that the winners would be notified in May, so obviously I didn't win and it seems a given that my dreams of seeing The Rose Ring in movie form aren't going to happen, but I still enjoyed writing the screenplay. It was a creative challenge. If anyone ever wants to read the screenplay version, please send me an email at - I'd be happy to send it to you. If you want to read the novel version, please visit
The Rose Ring.

As for the Script House Screenplay Contest - if you are interested in having professionals give feedback on your script for a reasonable price, this is certainly one way to do it.  


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