NaNoWriMo - Sometimes Life Imitates Art

Seven years ago, I embarked on my first National Novel Writing Month Adventure, writing a story that would ultimately become my first novel, Through the Open Window. In that novel, librarian Lucy Lyons finds a flyer advertising "National Novel Writing Month" at the East Longmeadow, MA library and decides to take the plunge. There is a writing group that meets at the library regularly during the month, which is led by Mike, who soon begins to take an interest in Lucy. At the time that I wrote that novel, there was no such group at the library, nor has there been in the intervening years.

But, yesterday, as I checked out my books at the East Longmeadow library, there was a National Novel Writing Month flyer right by the circulation desk. They are having free coffee and writing hours on Friday, November 6; Saturday, November 14; and Thursday, November 19, from 1 - 3 pm, as well as Mondays, November 23 & November 30 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. I couldn't help but smile!

So, if you are looking for a novel about NaNoWriMo, please check out Through the Open Window, and to all of you taking the plunge this year, I wish you the best of luck and happy writing!

 As for me, the goal for my November is to revise novel number 3, which I started last November and finished in the summer.


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