Saving Old Books

This comes under the heading of "Really Cool Jobs."

The Wall Street Journal recently ran an article on "second careers." One of those profiled is the owner of Milagro Bookbinding. Dr. Jerome Goss was a cardiologist in his previous life. After he retired at age 69, he decided to devote himself to "saving old books." He attended a training program in Scotland for a year.

Today, he runs Milagro Bookbinding, a one-man venture specializing in restoring leather books from the 1600s and 1700s. Using only hand tools, he works on books from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day in a specially designed bindery studio on his property in Corrales, N.M. . . .

Dr. Goss says he has built up a steady clientele of book collectors and dealers who value his attention to detail and willingness to scout out rare materials. Recently he took a trip to Florence, Italy, just to buy marbled paper.

Read the full article here: Every Patient Has a Story


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