Where do you like to write?

I'm still making my way through Writing Brave and Free: Encouraging Words for People Who Want to Start Writing. One of the topics is choosing a place to write.

You can choose a writing place and writing tools that encourage spontaneity and that engage your body as well as your mind.

Your writing room needs to be a place where you want to be, and it needs to give you privacy. It needs to be a place where you are physically comfortable, and a place where you can let your spontaneity bloom without interrupting or being interrupted by other people.

If you devoted one day's writing exercise to describing where you write now, what would you say? What if you used a second day's exercise to write about what would improve it, the features you would like your ideal writing room to have?

Where do I write? Thanks to the marvel of the laptop (I can't imagine going back to a desktop ever), my writing space varies, but generally I am either in my kitchen or my living room. While it is nice not to be interrupted, as a mom, that isn't always a reality. I can transition pretty quickly between writing and a non-writing activity. I don't need quiet, either. Sometimes, the house is quiet and I do relish it. Other times, I listen to whatever music I might be in the mood for.

Right now, I'm in the living room, the football game is in the background and I have my headphones on listening to "If I Had You" by Adam Lambert over and over. I think more important for me than exterior quiet is interior quiet. I have written in a grocery store cafe, in a pitch-black hotel room working by only the light of my laptop, in a museum, and in a park. Despite the environment, I am able to access that place inside myself where the words and thoughts live. It is the same reason I am able to pray in the middle of a public place. I have the ability to tune out the world. Perhaps it is one of the gifts of being an introvert. I'm not sure. Whatever it is, I am thankful for it.


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